[AFS3-std] Re: Suggestion for changing the voting process after bootstrapping

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:48:40 -0400

--On Tuesday, October 19, 2010 11:36:35 PM -0500 Andrew Deason 
<adeason@sinenomine.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 21:03:06 -0400
> Jason Edgecombe <jason@rampaginggeek.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm fine with waiting on the voting to be resolved. To make things
>> smoother in the coming years, would it be wise to change the voting
>> procedure to only require two of the three vote takers to decide the
>> outcome?
> Assuming I'm remembering the charter doc correctly, the vote takers in
> future elections are the existing chairs (unless one of them is running
> for election). The process is different this time because we don't have
> any existing chairs yet.
> So in the future, we'll most likely only have one or two vote-takers.

Yes; that's my understanding as well.  This actually makes me a little 
nervous; vote-taking is one of the few things that has to be done at least 
partially in secret, which means it's very hard to verify if there's only 
one vote-taker.  I'd prefer to see two or three vote-takers in every 
election, in which case I'd support Jason's suggestion.

-- Jeff