[OpenAFS-devel] Initial concern about Linux 2.4 patch

Chas Williams chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Sun, 05 Nov 2000 23:49:43 -0500

In message <3A06223A.E229B501@umr.edu>,Nathan Neulinger writes:
>around. We typically have something like:

thinking about this @sys is something like platform_osversion.  perhaps
platform for linux systems should be linuxMACH_glibcVERS, something like
linuxi386_glibc22.  there is some precedent, like next_mach20, next really
wasnt a processor but a platform.  of course i386 is pretty silly since
hardly anyone is really using an i386.

additionally, you can also change the @sys value on a per system basis.
perhaps this could be made more configurable.