[OpenAFS-devel] Authorization pb OpenAFS 1.0.4 in Windows 2000 - Security Index
Pawel Wiatr
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 18:22:20 +0200 (CEST)
Hello !
Since a couple of days I am testing openafs on Windows 2000. I can browse
without problems local afs, however I cannot write on even if I obtained
the token. I looked into the traffic generated bythe OpenAFS client (under W2k)
and Arla (Linux client developed in Sweden) using Ethereal. I am wondering
about the SecurityIndex in RX protocol. In Arla it is 0 without afs tokens
and become 2 after obtaining proper token. In OpenAFS Security Index
client it is always equal 0. Shouldn't it be changed when obtaining a
The same situation (Security Index = 0 without token and 2 with) I
observed with a commercial IBM client. I have no idea about the RX
protocol, but for me it seems to be a problem why one cannot write on afs
even having the token.
What do you think about it ?
Best regards
Pawel Wiatr
INSA C 606
20, avenue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex