[OpenAFS-devel] Anyone actually use any of the special build targets?

Marcus Watts mdw@umich.edu
Sat, 04 Aug 2001 01:28:20 -0400

Derrick J Brashear <shadow@dementia.org> writes:
> I know there are people who built AFS (IBM AFS) piecemeal to get bits they
> needed; I don't know if those people still have reasons to not do complete
> OpenAFS builds, and if they do:
(and someone else wrote):
> > At the very least, I want to get things to where you can reasonably type
> > "make" all by itself, in any directory in src, and have it do something
> > useful. 
> if this wouldn't satisfy them.

I know I went to some effort with AFS 3.3a/3.4 to fix things so that
I could type just plain "make" in any subdirectory, have it default
to doing "make all", and do something useful.
Transarc had
	AFS_component_version_number.o: AFS_component_version_number.c
all over in every makefile at the start, so that had to be moved (and I
think I got rid of actually building and using this file, as it wasn't
really useful to me.)  I don't know how useful building things pieceways
would be to someone who is just building the whole thing, but to
someone (like me) who wanted to do serious work on one piece, it's a
real timesaver not to have to watch it not build all the rest to catch
one stupid syntax error.

I didn't use autoconf for this -- instead, I had each makefile include
"../config/Makefile.version", and I had stuff in the config directory
that linked Makefile.version to a file that defined common top level
things for the stuff that each makefile had to know about.
Makefile.version may have originally included the transarc code to make
AFS_component_version_number.c, but I didn't feel any shame in putting
machine configuration defines in it instead.  This included things like
"-lnsl -lsocket" for solaris, and also AR,NM,STRIP etc. so that I
could cross-compile for a few platforms.

I also had to figure out what order to build things, to get the dependencies
right... I think I ended up with a completely customized and rather
stupid top level makefile that had targets for "all", "install", and
"clean", that built things in this order:
	config pinstall util mitdes comerr cmd lwp rx rxgen fsint \
	sys ubik rxkad audit auth ptserver afs kauth log libacl \
	dir vol vfsck vlserver volser bozo finale viced login \
	ftpd43+ fsprobe xstat venus export $(libafs)

I don't think I actually ever got the kernel stuff to build
this way -- I discovered this really horrible makefile that got
run from 2 different directory levels and didn't manage to
cleanly separate that weirdness out into 2 separate files.
I do remember teaching "config" about <-sun4m_53> type targets
so that I could have lines like this in libafs/MakefileProto:
	<all -sgi_50 -sgi_51 -sgi_52 -sgi_53>
if you're still using config with autoconf, this might be a useful

				-Marcus Watts
				UM ITCS Umich Systems Group