[OpenAFS-devel] Call for consensus: configure defaulting behavior change

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
28 Aug 2001 21:45:18 -0400

>>>>> "Derrick" == Derrick J Brashear <shadow@dementia.org> writes:

    Derrick> On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
    >> There are two modes: "Transarc mode" and "GCS mode":

    Derrick> Is it worth considering providing defaults for each
    Derrick> operating system we support, using the heirarchy standard
    Derrick> of those platforms? 

I'd recommend against this.  It seems to be that AFS is either going
to be built as a site-local, machine-local or OS package.  If it is
built as site-local or machine-local, you want it to obey the
conventions of the site or machine not the OS.  If you want it as an
OS package, you want to obey all the packaging rules not just the OS
hierarchy rules.  I think these rules go better in packaging files
like a RedHat spec file or a Debian rules file or a BSD ports makefile
than in the upstream Openafs sources.

    Derrick> Further, when we have install rules
    Derrick> which do something more meaningful than just creating the
    Derrick> dest area as now, we do some combinations of these paths
    Derrick> and a true DESTDIR, allowing creation of a dest area
    Derrick> somewhere other than / which can be used to easily create
    Derrick> native packages for the operating system(s) in question,
    Derrick> alternately continuing to create a dest area as now as
    Derrick> "staging" and either springboarding to a final install or
    Derrick> creating native packages from it...

Agreed.  You'll probably have one make target that creates a transarc
style dest area and a GNU configure style install target that does
what you expect.  Naturally you always respect DESTDIR becouse not
respecting DESTDIR should be a crime.