[OpenAFS-devel] Re: File copying

Michael Pelletier mike@alteon.com
Wed, 3 Jan 2001 11:12:09 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Peter Scott wrote:

> Something tangential to the backup product discussion that I would like
> to toss out there - if any enterprising developers would like to come up
> with a native file copy command that acts purely server side, it would
> be so great.  The frustration in copying a 500MB file from one AFS
> location to another in the same cell (or at least on the same server),
> knowing that all the bytes are travelling up the wire to the poor old
> workstation whose only job is to send them back again, is palpable.

An AFS-aware drop-in replacement for the "cp" command would make sense, it
seems - it would detect if both the source and destination paths are in
AFS land and issue the proper server directives to do the copy
server-to-server or within the same server, but otherwise function as a
normal "cp" command. Hm, I wonder if you might even be able to have it
create an OldFiles-style replica of the file?  Or is that only on a
per-volume level? 

	-Michael Pelletier.