[OpenAFS-devel] Re: Backups using commercial products

John_Morin@transarc.com John_Morin@transarc.com
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 17:02:12 -0500 (EST)

Excerpts from OpenAFS: 4-Jan-101 [OpenAFS-devel] Re: Backups.. Lyle
Seaman@spinnakernet (2435*)

> There's a TCP connection between the file and vol servers
> that is used for negotiating who can do what with a volume.

> You could add a mechanism for external lockers, the tricky
> part that I was hinting at is what do you do when the external
> locker goes away without releasing the lock, et cetera.

There are two hidden vos commands that can help give direction in this
regard. There is "vos offline" and "vos online". I wrote these for
testing what happens when a volume is offline or busy.

vos online is fairly simple. It takes an offline volume and brings it
back online.

% vos online -h
Usage: vos online -server <server name> -partition <partition name> -id
<volume name or ID> [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
[-verbose] [-help]

vos offline does one of three things. Without the -sleep or -busy flag,
it takes a volume offline and leaves it offline. To bring this volume
back online, use vos online.

With the -sleep flag, it takes the volume offline for X seconds and then
brings it back online. The command waits for the X seconds to elapse
before it returns. If the vos process were to die, the volume server
would detect no activity from the client and timeout the connection.

With the -busy flag, the volume is marked busy, sleeps for the desired
amount of time, and then brings the volume back online. Again, if this
dies, the volserver will detect no activity from the client and timeout
the connection. A busy volume means that reads can get to the volume but
writes will wait ("waiting for busy volume").

% vos offline -h
Usage: vos offline -server <server name> -partition <partition name> -id
<volume name or ID> [-sleep <seconds to sleep>] [-busy] [-cell <cell
name>] [-noauth] [-localauth] [-verbose] [-help]

	- John Morin.

Yes Lyle: I had implemented hidden options :-)