[OpenAFS-devel] RE: OpenAFS CVS Commit: openafs/src/venus by shadow

Sam Hartman hartmans@MIT.EDU
20 Jan 2001 18:34:34 -0500

>>>>> "aeneous" == aeneous  <aeneous@speakeasy.org> writes:

    aeneous> The good thing about (and the point behind) kdump is that
    aeneous> it works on core files.  A kernel hook wouldn't.

I think a right thing might be to split kdump into two modules: 1 that
only uses kernel interfaces and that decodes structures.  Another
module would actually read in the structures somehow (/dev/kmem, core,
libkvm on arches that have it, etc) and would also contain printing

These two would communicate with each other with interfaces entirely
independent of libc headers.  This would simplify the build on Linux a
lot, and would probably simplify things other places as well.  Sadly,
it would be hard to do.
