[OpenAFS-devel] PATCH: break up cache into reasonable subdirs for large cache sizes

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
07 Jul 2001 15:45:46 -0400

>>>>> "Derek" == Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU> writes:

    Derek> Here is the patch for afsd that breaks up the cache into
    Derek> multiple subdirs of a more reasonable size.  Using this
    Derek> patch I could create a 3GB cache in under 3 minutes on a
    Derek> Linux ext2 FS.  I also added the afsd parameter
    Derek> '-files_per_dir' which can set the log(2) size of the
    Derek> subdirs.  The default is 11 (2048 files).

I think calling it files_per_dir if it takes log2 of files per dir is
probably a bad idea.  I've always found chunksize confusing and I'm
not sure it is a good habbit to get in.

How will this patch interact with an existing cache?