[OpenAFS-devel] bad EIP

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
09 Jul 2001 17:48:44 -0400

>>>>> "Markus" == Markus Eckerl <me@networks-and-security.de> writes:

    Markus> Hallo!  I tried to use openafs under linux (Debian
    Markus> Potato). Compilation of the package works fine for me but
    Markus> if I tried a /etc/init.d/openafs stop my linuxbox
    Markus> dumps. It says bad EIP C8856740

So you ran /etc/init.d/openafs-client start then stop and you got a
kernel oops?  If you don't have a server in your cell, this is not
surprising; AFS is somewhat unstable when started without a server.