[OpenAFS-devel] "formatted" output from vos

Sam Hartman hartmans@mit.edu
10 Jun 2001 21:49:06 -0400

>>>>> "Nathan" == Nathan Neulinger <nneul@umr.edu> writes:

    Nathan> Johan Danielsson wrote:
    >>  Nathan Neulinger <nneul@umr.edu> writes:
    >> > Once it's in XML form, you could easily reprocess into any
    >> other > format with an external tool or XSL stylesheet.
    >> XML might be nice and so, but it's not very practical for shell
    >> scripts.
    >> /Johan

    Nathan> That's true. I figured most people are probably parsing it
    Nathan> with perl or other languages that have xml support.

Even if I were using Perl, I'd rather split on colon or something than
use XML.  The data has flat structure; there is no need for a complex

I certainly don't mind supporting XML, but believe that your
suggestion of supporting multiple formats would be good.