[OpenAFS-devel] Minimal hpux11 support (no libafs kernel support) - but will cleanly build everything else

Nathan Neulinger nneul@umr.edu
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:31:09 -0600

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This just disables a couple of things in the build that cause the build 
to fail. After this, the system SHOULD successfully build all of the 
client tools (vos,fs,etc.) and all of the server tools, but no kernel 

So, if someone wants to use HP 11 as a fileserver, this is probably 
sufficient for them.

-- Nathan

Nathan Neulinger                       EMail:  nneul@umr.edu
University of Missouri - Rolla         Phone: (573) 341-4841
Computing Services                       Fax: (573) 341-4216

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="hp11-minimal.diff"

RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/README,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 README
--- README	2001/03/27 07:03:17	1.9
+++ README	2001/03/27 16:30:17
@@ -30,15 +30,13 @@
       alpha_linux_2216_22/ (DES does not work, will require one more change to
+      hp_ux110/ (No client support, but server and utilities work)
       % mkdir i386_linux22
       % ls -CF
       i386_linux22/     src/
-      Builds for the following platforms will not fully compile:
-      hp_ux110/
    2. Within each of those directories, create a dest/ and obj/ directory.
RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/BUILDNOTES,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 BUILDNOTES
--- BUILDNOTES	2000/12/02 18:17:50	1.1
+++ BUILDNOTES	2001/03/27 16:30:17
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
 	source tree with a switch in include/linux/version.h.
 HPUX 11.0 (hp_ux110):
-	Does not currently build. However, you will need to make sure 
-	the KernDevKit package from the CoreOS media is installed if
-	you wish to work on it.
+	Does not currently build libafs, which means no afs client support,
+	however, the client tools, and all of the server code does get built. 
+	For future kernel development, the KernDevKit package from the CoreOS 
+	media is required.
Index: rx/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/rx/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 Makefile
--- rx/Makefile	2001/03/27 07:09:30	1.9
+++ rx/Makefile	2001/03/27 16:30:17
@@ -122,8 +122,6 @@
 	case ${SYS_NAME} in \
 	alpha_dux* ) \
 		$(INSTALL) DUX/*.[ch] $(KERNELDIR)rx;; \
-	hp_ux* ) \
-		$(INSTALL) HPUX/*.[ch] $(KERNELDIR)rx;; \
 	*_linux* ) \
 		$(INSTALL) LINUX/*.[ch] $(KERNELDIR)rx;; \
 	rs_aix* ) \
Index: libafs/MakefileProto.HPUX
RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/libafs/MakefileProto.HPUX,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 MakefileProto.HPUX
--- libafs/MakefileProto.HPUX	2000/11/04 10:05:04	1.2
+++ libafs/MakefileProto.HPUX	2001/03/27 16:30:17
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
 # Compile the clients.
+	if false; then \
 	for b in $(BITS); do \
 	    for t in $(KOBJ); do \
 		dir=$$t.$$b; \
@@ -109,10 +110,11 @@
 		64)	bopts="$(KDEFS_64)"; bsuff="64";; \
 		esac; \
 		cd $$dir; \
-		$(MAKE) BITSUFFIX=$$bsuff CPU_KDEFS="$$bopts" DESTDIR=../${DESTDIR} libafs || exit $$?; \
+		$(MAKE) BITSUFFIX=$$bsuff CPU_KDEFS="$$bopts" DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} libafs || exit $$?; \
 		cd ..; \
 	    done; \
-	done
+	done; \
+	fi 
 # Below this line are targets when in the static directory:
