[OpenAFS-devel] Suggestions for features/ideas...
Sam Hartman
24 May 2001 11:23:39 -0400
>>>>> "Neulinger," == Neulinger, Nathan <nneul@umr.edu> writes:
Neulinger,> Some way to merge the links of two volumes - i.e. say
Neulinger,> you have two almost-identical volumes on the server -
Neulinger,> compare all the files within those volumes. If two are
Neulinger,> exactly identical, link them to the same data on disk,
Neulinger,> similar to what cloning does. (This might be a way to
Neulinger,> get rid of the double-space usage of the first item
Neulinger,> above.)
I wonder if it might not be easier to do this using md5sums or
something and just merge any two files that had identical data in the
set of volumes being considered. You could then run periodic passes
over a partition.