[OpenAFS-devel] problem about authentication
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 10:02:26 -0500 (EST)
Excerpts from transarc.external.openafs: 30-Jan-02 [OpenAFS-devel]
problem abo.. =?big5?B?s6+kubh0?=@ice. (2018*)
> I have a problem about authentication. I have 2 machines A and B, their =
> afs cell name are A.afs and B.afs respectively. Machine A has 2 users =
> user_a1 and user_ a2. Machine B has 2 users user_b1 and user_b2. Now =
> user_a1 login Machine B, but when I issue "klog user_a1", it can't =
> access authentication database in Machine A, however it access database =
> in Machine B, so user_a1 can't get tokens. How can I solve this problem? =
> In other words, how can I use user mobility in AFS(AFS says that it =
> support full user mobility)?
Did you really mean to put the machines into different AFS cells? The
easy way to provide mobility is to put the clients into the same cell.
This would mean creating one cell for one machine and then simply adding
the second machine to the existing cell.
If you really want different cells, then indeed (as Derek says) you need
to indicate the realm in which you want authentication to happen.