[OpenAFS-devel] Same problem in a different place.
Nickolai Zeldovich
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 16:36:07 -0500
> Unfortunately it would still not fix the MacOSX finder problem. The
> finder not only tries to stat(dir) but also tries to
> open(dir/.somefile). At least, ISTR someone saying this is how the
> finder works.
Yeah, I think you're right.. Last time someone suggested that the
finder won't try to do the open(dir/.somefile) if the file is a
symlink with the sticky bit set (or the containing directory has
the sticky bit set, I can't quite recall), in which case a simple
workaround might be to create, say, /AFS with the sticky bit set,
and symlink in all the cells you care about from /afs. (Though
I hope the finder keeps track of the path it's taken, when going
up a level, rather than using "..", since in the latter case we
still have the same problem. :-) Same thing could be done with
dynroot, with slight modifications to the code.
-- kolya