[OpenAFS-devel] how to debug kaserver?

Petr Danecek danecek@ucl.cas.cz
19 Jul 2002 13:36:17 +0200


I'd like to ask how can one debug in detail kaserver and other tools
comming with the openafs package?
My problem is that when trying to install the first OpenAFS server, I am
not able to add users afs and admin using the kas utility.
It keeps saying
        Creating user afs  : [u] no quorum elected, wait one second

I have searched the archives, read the documentation, even superficially
tried to look in the sources, but cannot find a clue. 

I have checked the CellServDB and ThisCell configuration files and
checked that kaserver is running. Bellow I include the files and output
from udebug. The installation was builded from the source openafs-1.2.5.

Can anyone help me with diagnosis of this problem??

Thank you,
Petr Danecek

# cat /usr/local/etc/openafs/CellServDB 
>ARCHIV.UCL.CAS.CZ #Cell name    #archiv
# cat /usr/local/etc/openafs/ThisCell 

# udebug -long archiv.ucl.cas.cz 7004
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