[OpenAFS-devel] openafs-1.2.6-rc1 global-lock-problems

Dunaevskiy Alexander.Dunaevskiy@lrz-muenchen.de
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:33:28 +0200 (CEST)

Dear Mr. Chas Williams,
Herbert Huber has forwarded your message to me.
(Your answer to message <3D3D82A3.C0FDFDE9@lrz-muenchen.de>)

It was inpossible to follow your reccomendation on my test-pc.
AFS-client was killed after the command 'fstrace setset'.

Many thanks,
with best regards,
|               Alexander Dunaevskiy                  |
|             Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der               |
|         Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften     |
|                    Muenchen                         |
|             Leibniz-computing-centrum of            |
|         Bavarian Academy of sciences Munich         |
|         Phone:   +49-89-289-28732                   |
|         Fax:     +49-89-280-9460                    |
|         Adr:   Leibniz-Rechenzentrum                |
|                Barer Str. 21                        |
|                D-80333 Muenchen                     |
|                Germany                              |