[OpenAFS-devel] Fix for "0 bytes free" problem on winnt client

Yee Jiun Song yeejiun@cs.berkeley.edu
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 08:57:17 -0800 (PST)

Thanks Patrick!! The fix does indeed work!

So, a better fix to the problem would be to leave
smb3.c as it originally was, and to modify the type
definition of smb_tran2QFSInfo_t in smb3.h. Note the
addition of the 2 lines that start with the "#prama"

typedef struct smb_tran2QFSInfo {
	union {
#pragma pack(push, 2)
		struct {
			long FSID;			/* file system ID */
			long sectorsPerAllocUnit;
            long totalAllocUnits;		/* on the disk */
            long availAllocUnits;		/* free blocks */
            unsigned short bytesPerSector;	/* bytes
per sector */
		} allocInfo;
#pragma pack(pop)
        struct {
			long vsn;	/* volume serial number */
            char vnCount;	/* count of chars in label,
incl null */
            char label[12];	/* pad out with nulls */
        } volumeInfo;
		struct {
			FILETIME vct;	/* volume creation time */
			long vsn;	/* volume serial number */
			long vnCount;	/* length of volume label in bytes */
			char res[2];	/* reserved */
			char label[10];	/* volume label */
		} FSvolumeInfo;
		struct {
			osi_hyper_t totalAllocUnits;	/* on the disk */
			osi_hyper_t availAllocUnits;	/* free blocks */
			long sectorsPerAllocUnit;
			long bytesPerSector;		/* bytes per sector */
		} FSsizeInfo;
		struct {
			long devType;	/* device type */
			long characteristics;
		} FSdeviceInfo;
		struct {
			long attributes;
			long maxCompLength;	/* max path component length */
			long FSnameLength;	/* length of file system name */
			char FSname[12];
		} FSattributeInfo;
        } u;
} smb_tran2QFSInfo_t;

--- "Patrick J. LoPresti" <patl@curl.com> wrote:
> Our local Visual C wizard suggests:
>     #pragma pack(push, 2)
>     struct myStruct { 
>       int a;
>       short b;
>     };
>     #pragma pack(pop)
>     void main() {
>       struct myStruct foo;
>       printf("size of foo is %d\n", sizeof(foo));
>     }
>  - Pat
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