[OpenAFS-devel] CopyOnWrite failure

Marco Foglia marco.foglia@psi.ch
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:23:27 +0100

Todd_DeSantis@transarc.com wrote:
> Thanks for the information that you sent.  Another piece of debugging
> data that might be useful would be a volinfo snapshot of the corrupted
> volume.  If you are not familiar with the volinfo binary, it is
> usually placed in the


I have created the volinfo snapshot of the corrupted volume and
put it together with the full salvager output and a "find -ls" 
at http://people.web.psi.ch/foglia/afs

Hope this helps,

Marco Foglia | Paul Scherrer Institut  | phone     +41 56 310 36 39 
             | CH-5232 Villigen        | mailto:marco.foglia@psi.ch