[OpenAFS-devel] openafs on HP-UX?

Derrick J Brashear shadow@dementia.org
Mon, 6 May 2002 21:50:59 -0400 (EDT)

I speak only for myself, and not for any employer or organization I'm
involved with when I say:

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Nathan Neulinger wrote:

> Chris Campbell wrote:
> > 
> > do the latest releases of openafs build on hp-ux?  I don't see binaries so I
> > was wondering... 
> The client tools (vos/pts/kas/etc), and possibly servers (not sure if
> these will work, they might require that the kernel code be loaded), but
> the client does not build due to HP not being willing to share the
> necessary kernel interfaces.

The presumably one header file, in fact. The AFSLore Wiki linked from
www.openafs.org has some details.

Sun, SGI and of course IBM have all been very helpful. Apple has been at
least interested even if the infamous issue with their graphical browser
trying to traverse every directory in /afs hasn't been solved yet. Several
Linux vendors, RedHat particularly, have contributed positively.
Compaq seems to at least not be actively aggressive, we've more or less
had no interaction with them, despite issues with Tru64 5.1.

HP stands with Microsoft in the "doesn't play nicely with other
filesystems" camp. Even Microsoft is probably more friendly than HP (I can
as a random go to http://www.microsoft.com/DDK/IFSkit/order.asp and order
what I need; It's just not entirely clear that having it is sufficient for
me to build something I can then give you without you also needing to drop
$1k on it).

People are welcome to argue any of the latter, but I will believe when in
the case of HP I know the contents of a vfspage_t, and not until. 
