[OpenAFS-devel] afs_dynamic_auth bug under AIX
Michael Niksch
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:27:41 +0100
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I have authentication with OpenAFS 1.2.7 afs_dynamic_auth running on
AIX 4330-10. I recall that since some level of bos.rte.security (I
think, which appeared between 4330-04 and 4330-05), the stanza
specifying the AFS authentication method has to be specified in
/usr/lib/security/methods.cfg instead of /etc/security/login.cfg. Could
that be your problem? Note that I moved to OpenAFS only recently and
always compiled and ran it on 4330-10. Maybe there is a difference if
you compiled on 4330-04 and now run on 4330-10.
Michael Niksch /Zurich/IBM @ IBMCH
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory nik@zurich.ibm.com
Saeumerstrasse 4 http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~nik/
CH-8803 Rueschlikon / Switzerland P: +41-1-724-8913 F: +41-1-724-8080
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Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:06:34 -0500
I have OpenAFS 1.2.7 installed on a newly rebuilt machine running AIX
4.3.3. AFS login authentication worked at ML 04 but when I upgraded
the OS to ML 10 it broke.
I could use AFS logins again by replacing
/usr/vice/etc/afs_dynamic_auth from OpenAFS with the one from the
TransArc 3.6 Patch 5.1 distribution. Apparently, Transarc fixed an
authentication problem in Patch 4 (APAR IY24786, I believe).
Has anyone done anything to address this problem in OpenAFS?
David R. Steiner david.r.steiner@dartmouth.edu
UNIX System Manager Phone: 603.646.3127
Dartmouth College Fax: 603.646.1041
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