[OpenAFS-devel] Jaguar printing crash - possibly afs related

David Botsch dwb7@ccmr.cornell.edu
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:58:21 -0400

I'm experiencing a weird application crash when trying to print under 
Jaguar. You say print, see the normal proccesing page x, then instead 
of the print icon appearing in the dock, the application from which you 
printed "quits unexpectedly". Occasionally, a different app, like, the 
terminal app will quit unexpectedly.

I'm sending this to the openafs list because the app crasehs and 
printing failures seem to only occur when the user is a user whose home 
directory is in afs space. If I create a user locally, printing seems 
to work fine.

I should add we have openafs 1.2.7, esp ghostscript, latest patches on 
the Macs. I can reproduce this problem 100% on three separate Macs 
which are all installed alike.

I've noted the following in the syslog when trying to print with these 

Oct 18 11:19:02 dargo mach_kernel: afs: WARNING: ui_refcount panic 

the crashlog will then show something like the following:

-- Date/Time:  2002-10-17 18:18:56 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.1 (Build 6D52)
Host:       kira.msc.cornell.edu

Command:    Internet Explorer
PID:        1910

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
  #0   0x90001600 in strlen
  #1   0x93a26178 in ippLength
  #2   0x93a2d8d8 in cupsDoFileRequest
  #3   0x93a2f204 in cupsPrintFiles
  #4   0x93a2efec in cupsPrintFile
  #5   0x91bad52c in CPLQueuePrintDocument
  #6   0x91bace90 in PJCEndDocument(OpaquePMPrintSession*)
  #7   0x91bacacc in PMSessionEndDocumentNoDialog
  #8   0x91d142b0 in PMSessionEndDocument
  #9   0x003ebe1c in 0x3ebe1c
  #10  0x003f089c in 0x3f089c
  #11  0x003f0800 in 0x3f0800
  #12  0x003f0340 in 0x3f0340
  #13  0x003ef530 in 0x3ef530
  #14  0x003f08cc in 0x3f08cc
  #15  0x00200568 in 0x200568
  #16  0x001cc664 in 0x1cc664
  #17  0x003d266c in 0x3d266c
  #18  0x001cc628 in 0x1cc628
  #19  0x001d79b4 in 0x1d79b4
  #20  0x001d7720 in 0x1d7720
Internet Explorer.crash.log #21  0x001d73a0 in 0x1d73a0
  #22  0x001d64dc in 0x1d64dc
  #23  0x001d5d5c in 0x1d5d5c
  #24  0x001d5458 in 0x1d5458
  #25  0x004816e8 in 0x4816e8
  #26  0x001b1d60 in 0x1b1d60

Thread 1:
  #0   0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
  #1   0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
  #2   0x90233454 in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
  #3   0x90248b2c in AsyncFileThread(void*)
  #4   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
  #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
  #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
  #2   0x9022a874 in SwitchContexts
  #3   0x90225120 in YieldToThread
  #4   0x9022acd4 in YieldToAnyThread
  #5   0x001b86b4 in 0x1b86b4
  #6   0x001b847c in 0x1b847c
  #7   0x0047ff9c in 0x47ff9c
  #8   0x0024eb40 in 0x24eb40
  #9   0x0047e78c in 0x47e78c
  #10  0x001b83f8 in 0x1b83f8
  #11  0x9023bed4 in CooperativeThread
  #12  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
  #0   0x9000582c in syscall
  #1   0x90515d9c in BSD_waitevent
  #2   0x9051576c in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
  #3   0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 4:
  #0   0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
  #1   0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
  #2   0x9051dda0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
  #3   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
  #0   0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
  #1   0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
  #2   0x90525b90 in CarbonInetOperThreadFunc
  #3   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
  #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
  #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
  #2   0x9022a874 in SwitchContexts
  #3   0x90225120 in YieldToThread
  #4   0x9022acd4 in YieldToAnyThread
  #5   0x001b86b4 in 0x1b86b4
  #6   0x001e6b7c in 0x1e6b7c
  #7   0x001e69f8 in 0x1e69f8
  #8   0x001e69c4 in 0x1e69c4
  #9   0x001fdd5c in 0x1fdd5c
  #10  0x0024e500 in 0x24e500
  #11  0x0024eb40 in 0x24eb40
  #12  0x0047e78c in 0x47e78c
  #13  0x001b83f8 in 0x1b83f8
  #14  0x9023bed4 in CooperativeThread
  #15  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
   srr0: 0x90001600 srr1: 0x0000f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
    xer: 0x20000000   lr: 0x93a26178  ctr: 0x900015e0   mq: 0x00000000

David William Botsch
Consultant/Advisor II
CCMR Computing Facility