[OpenAFS-devel] vos dump busying out the volume while dumping...

Neulinger, Nathan nneul@umr.edu
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 12:33:36 -0500

I'd love to see that (I mentioned something similar in the past wrt to
doing backups. When I do local disk backups and have enough space, I
usually try to do D,D,...,W,W,M,M in rotation. With clones, those
multiple generations would be very inexpensive.

However, biggest problem with it is that the protocol cannot currently
track more than 3 volids in the vldb. RW, RO, BK.=20

We could easily make multiple clones, but there won't be any way to
mount them unless you give it a different name.=20

One other negative is that you suddenly are making "vos move" have a
whole lot more impact to the user, since you'll be destroying all those
extra copies.

A "vos copy" might be a better routine name - copy an arbitrary volume
to another location, since if it's on a remote server, it's not really a

I think if you mounted the clone using a different name, it wouldn't be
kept track of, but it would also not be deleted when you did a vos move.
That might be useful, if a bit confusing.=20

-- Nathan

Nathan Neulinger                       EMail:  nneul@umr.edu
University of Missouri - Rolla         Phone: (573) 341-4841
Computing Services                       Fax: (573) 341-4216

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Niksch [mailto:nik@zurich.ibm.com]=20
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 12:25 PM
> To: openafs-devel@openafs.org
> Subject: Re: [OpenAFS-devel] vos dump busying out the volume=20
> while dumping...
> > What about adding a "-clone" option to vos dump...
> I have been wondering for 12 years why AFS doesn't provide the ability
> to create an additional clone separate from .backup and .readonly so
> that I could do with that clone whatever I like, e.g. 'vos dump' it.
> Some people seem to use explicit -rw mounts for their RW data to have
> the ability to abuse the RO clone for such purposes. For instance,
> frequent 'vos release' gives them the ability to keep an almost
> up-to-date copy of their RW data on a remote server. Of course, they
> could also do a 'vos dump' on the RO clone to copy their data=20
> to a safe
> place. So why not rather have something like 'vos clone' that would
> create a general-purpose .clone volume (or even vos clone [1..n]) to
> create multiple clone generations)?
> --=20
> Michael Niksch                     /Zurich/IBM @ IBMCH
> IBM Zurich Research Laboratory     nik@zurich.ibm.com
> Saeumerstrasse 4                   http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~nik/
> CH-8803 Rueschlikon / Switzerland  P: +41-1-724-8913 F: +41-1-724-8080
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