[OpenAFS-devel] Running OpenAFS on Linux 2.6 on PowerPC (!)

chas williams (contractor) chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:30:35 -0400

In message <Pine.LNX.4.60.0406301751240.13731@localhost>,Asheesh Laroia writes:
>Does anyone have any suggesetion on how to get started, or is there a plan 
>at all to support Linux on PowerPC?

i dont know of anyone with current plans but it really should not be all that
hard.  you will need to create param.ppc_linux26.h and you will probably
need to add/change just a few minor things (compare param.i386_linux24.h
and param.i386_linux26.h).  the hardest part will be getting the build
system in src/libafs to do the right thing.  that should be pretty much
all you need to do (or so i think).

i dumped my ppc/linux system otherwise i would take a stab at this.