[OpenAFS-devel] morethan1fileserver!

prasanna wakhare pvwakhare@yahoo.com
Tue, 13 Jul 2004 07:27:48 -0700 (PDT)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

is it not possible to have 1 volumeserver and morethan 2 fileserver?
i got 1 fileserver configured succesfully
if i repat the same procedure in other machine it will create 1 more fileserver but 
can i have to create volserver on that and what abt vlserver i want it on only 1 machine
anyway is there any good doc for setting other fileserver 
i had already read quickbegining afs
Horst Birthelmer <horst@riback.net> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2004, at 3:35 PM, prasanna wakhare wrote:

> hi,
> i had done AFS installation without kerbos
> installation but where the problem is
> witgh commands like
> #kinit myuser
> #fs setacl /afs system:anyuser re
> it says that
> fs:you dont have a required permission on /afs

Did you set up your OpenAFS environment??
This means are you running kaserver??
"kinit" is Kerberos.

If your kaserver is running yu can get an AFS token with klog.
If not you really have to set up a Kerberos/AFS environment which can 
be a little bit more complicated.


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<DIV>is it not possible to have 1 volumeserver and morethan 2 fileserver?</DIV>
<DIV>i got 1 fileserver configured succesfully</DIV>
<DIV>if i repat the same procedure in other machine it will create 1 more fileserver but </DIV>
<DIV>can i have to create volserver on that and what abt vlserver i want it on only 1 machine</DIV>
<DIV>anyway is there any good doc for setting other fileserver </DIV>
<DIV>i had already read quickbegining afs</DIV>
<DIV>Prasanna<BR><B><I>Horst Birthelmer &lt;horst@riback.net&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><BR>On Jul 9, 2004, at 3:35 PM, prasanna wakhare wrote:<BR><BR>&gt; hi,<BR>&gt; i had done AFS installation without kerbos<BR>&gt; installation but where the problem is<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt; witgh commands like<BR>&gt; #kinit myuser<BR>&gt; #fs setacl /afs system:anyuser re<BR>&gt; it says that<BR>&gt; fs:you dont have a required permission on /afs<BR><BR>Did you set up your OpenAFS environment??<BR>This means are you running kaserver??<BR>"kinit" is Kerberos.<BR><BR>If your kaserver is running yu can get an AFS token with klog.<BR>If not you really have to set up a Kerberos/AFS environment which can <BR>be a little bit more complicated.<BR><BR>Horst<BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><p>
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