[OpenAFS-devel] gssklog on soalris 9
Douglas E. Engert
Tue, 08 Jun 2004 08:27:11 -0500
"Rong,Yongjun(CS)" wrote:
> Hi,
> I can run gssklog correctly when I login as root but kinit as an non-root
> principals. But I cannot run gssklog when I login as a non-root user. I got
> errors as below:
> tset:/ $ gssklog
> unable to initialize mechanism library [/usr/lib/gss/gl/mech_krb5.so]
> unable to initialize mechanism library [/usr/lib/gss/gl/mech_krb5.so]
> GSS-error Unable to get user credentials: major:00010000 minor:00000000
> An unsupported mechanism was requested
> unable to initialize mechanism library [/usr/lib/gss/gl/mech_krb5.so]
> I have change the order of Kerberos_V5 to the first in /etc/gss/mech.
> Anyone has any suggestions.
> Thank you very much.
> Rong
I just got a new Sun Blade last week, and am off to a NFS v4 meeting today.
I tried the gssklog built for SunOS 5.9 on a previous system, on this new system,
and I am seeing a similiar problem.
unable to initialize mechanism library [/usr/lib/gss/gl/mech_krb5.so]
GSS-error Unable to get user credentials: major:00070000 minor:00000000
No credentials were supplied, or the credentials were unavailable or inaccessible
unable to initialize mechanism library [/usr/lib/gss/gl/mech_krb5.so]
Truss does show that the the cache was used, and a gssklog/host@realm ticket was
06/08/04 08:15:58 06/08/04 17:29:14 gssklog/antenor.ctd.anl.gov@KRB5.ANL.GOV
renew until 06/15/04 04:29:14, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with CRC-32,
Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1
The endof truss shows
close(4) = 0
fstat64(2, 0xFFBFD128) = 0
Unable to get token: write(2, " U n a b l e t o g e".., 21) = 21
code = 1: User and credential do not agreewrite(2, " c o d e = 1 : U s".., 42) = 42
I will try an look at it tonight.
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Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444