[OpenAFS-devel] Patch to implement default tuning proposal discussed a while ago

chas williams - CONTRACTOR chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Fri, 12 Aug 2005 13:14:06 -0400

In message <20050812161014.658FC1BAA9@citi.umich.edu>,Jim Rees writes:
>And why did you change the assumed average file size to 32KB?  This might
>actually be a good number but I wonder if you have data to back it up.  I
>just measured my own client cache and came up with 30.2KB so you could be

this is curious.  my avg file size is 38k.  so this is an interesting
choice.  however, wouldnt a better choice be the median file size?
75% of my files are 10k or less.  just a thought.  everyone loves