[OpenAFS-devel] compiling/installing 1.3.87
Derek Atkins
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 15:01:56 -0400
Those files are in the SRPM, not in the AFS source tree.
Quoting Kirby Bakken <kirbyb@us.ibm.com>:
> Please forgive my dumb questions....
> I'm running RHEL4, with the '2.6.9-11.ELsmp' kernel. I've got the 1.3.87
> openafs src package, and go into the openafs-1.3.87 dir and type in:
> ./configure --with-afs-sysname=amd64_linux26 --enable-transarc-paths
> make
> make dest
> su root
> make install
> At this point I'm lost... The make install has copied the binaries to
> /usr/local/bin, and the kernel module to /usr/vice/etc. When I downloaded
> the 1.3.87 RPMs, these also 'installed' /etc/sysconfig/afs and
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs files, as well as populated the /usr/vice/etc
> directory with CellServDB, ThisCell, etc....
> What am I missing to get afs to autostart/load?
> =======================
> Kirby Bakken
> ESW Build Architect
> Rochester, MN
> email: kirbyb@us.ibm.com
> ezpage:kirbyb
> 507-253-4549 / Tie: 553-4549
> Fax: 507-253-3495
> ......one more straw can't possibly matter....
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available