[OpenAFS-devel] Oops when doing recursive fs sa

Peter Nelson pnelson@andrew.cmu.edu
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:09:08 -0500

Nope, this is a SP machine.


chas williams - CONTRACTOR wrote:

>is this an smp kernel?  (the output of uname -a should be sufficient
>to tell).  i am guessing no, but would like to be certain.  if you
>are not, try running the smp kernel and this test (you will likely
>need to rebuild the afs kernel bits).
>In message <421EC608.10907@andrew.cmu.edu>,Peter Nelson writes:
>>are all the ooops's from syslog.  This is on 1.3.79 on 2.6.8 and Debian 
>>testing.  Settings are "/usr/sbin/afsd -stat 1000 -dynroot -fakestat 
>>-afsdb -nosettime"