[OpenAFS-devel] PATCH: mac aklog & login/Logout plugin

Troy Benjegerdes hozer@hozed.org
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 21:02:49 -0600

On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 03:54:11PM -0500, Ken Hornstein wrote:
> >I was thinking that libkafs might make it a lot cleaner..
> >
> >Can you either check those changes in, or send me a copy?
> The problem is, they're still broken (did you think that maybe the reason
> there was no reference to the aklog directory in the top-level Makefile
> was that they're not working?)

How is it broken? (I'm still interested in seeing the code, even if it's
broken). Does it work on any platform? I would make the argument that having 
broken code, but requireing an "--enable-aklog" configure argument to
enable it is better than nothing.
> >Also, is my first pass at a Makefile.in anywhere near reasonable? Should
> >we be checking for heimdal vs MIT in configure?
> Probably, although what exactly needs done is still up in the air.