[OpenAFS-devel] Sysid probmens when upgrading FreeBSD server to 1.3.80

Harald Barth haba@pdc.kth.se
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 20:19:45 +0100 (MET)

> It's a trade-off.  My concern is if we end up with the fileserver in a
> tight restart loop, now it's doing up to 16 additional GetAddrsU rpc's
> on startup to handle debugging that is also supposed to happen inside
> vlserver (if it weren't for the printf mess).

The loop is usually is not so tight because of salvage. Why is the
fileserver not signalling to the bosserver that it died fatally -
restarting it once more does not improve the situation.

> > > By the way, a lot of output from for example vos listvldb dealing with
> > volumes and their locations is wrong, if the volumes are on an UUID
> > and not on an IP addr the output from vos should say so.
> > 
> Unfortunately, vos has no knowledge of what's going on because there's
> no bulk interface that uses uvldbentry's.

But if the cache manager can figure it out somehow - and it has to
because otherwise the multihoming stuff would not work - then vos can
figure it out, too. If I'm vague here because I have neither written
nor read the code. A lot of functionality around UUID is not in arla
because it is not trivial to figure out the specification.

> Only one way I know of:
> vos lista -noresolve -printuuid
> pick an ip from the offending uuid
> vos changea <ip> -remove

I suspected that.

> There should really be a new ChangeAddrU rpc.  As it stands, your only
> options are to overwrite an mh record with a single ip address, or
> entirely remove the mh record.  We should really provide something
> more finely granular.  Maybe one of these days I'll get around to
> writing something...


> Something similar to vos listaddrs would work.  A GetAddrsU call on
> FS_HostUUID, and one for each addr in FS_HostAddrs should provide all
> the information we need.

