[OpenAFS-devel] openafs-1.4.1 build failure on RHEL3 -- aklog
fails to build
Derek Atkins
Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:06:09 -0400
Quoting Ken Hornstein <kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil>:
>> In trying to build 1.4.1 on RHEL3 it appears the checks for
>> krb5/krb524 libraries are insufficient. RHEL3 ships mit krb5
>> 1.2.7, which has a separate krb524 library. I had a fix for
>> the krb5 migration kit that would test whether the krb524 functions
>> are in the standard krb5 libraries and, if not, attempt to add -lkrb524
>> and see if it worked. Should I create a patch to openafs that
>> performs a similar series of tests?
> Sigh. I really struggled with this. Part of what made the aklog
> autoconf tests so difficult back in the migration kit days was the
> wacky handling I had to do for the seperate 524 library (especially
> since I was trying to go to the use of krb5-config). Getting
> everything right ended up being a nightmare. When we did the aklog
> integration for OpenAFS, we decided that Kerberos versions earlier than
> 1.3 were not going to be supported, for this very reason. Considering
> how fragile the whole build process is with aklog right now, I am
> not crazy about modifying it further, especially to support four year
> old versions of Kerberos.
I see. Well, I have two options:
1) Don't support RHEL3 or
2) Patch OpenAFS to check for libkrb524 if it can't find either of these
I suspect if we ask the user base they would prefer #2. I don't think
it would be TOO hard to write a test that adds "-lkrb524" to LIBS and
checks again for appropriate symbol....
> I will note that the function in the MIT library is krb5_524_convert_creds();
> the symbol name krb524_convert_creds_kdc is for Heimdal.
That's interesting, as the latter symbol ALSO exists in mit's krb524 library,
as noted in my previous email but cut from your response.
Would a patch to aclocal.m4 that checks for libkrb524 in the absense of
either symbols from the krb5-config output be accepted by the openafs
team? Or am I going to have to keep that patch private in perpetuity as
long as I continue to support RHEL3?
> --Ken
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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