[OpenAFS-devel] question rxi_getAllAddrMaskMtu()

Dale Ghent daleg@umbc.edu
Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:57:57 -0500

On Dec 18, 2006, at 10:57 AM, Sean O'Malley wrote:

> can this be safely changed to:
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> without breaking someones port?

I think it's pretty safe to say that everyone's compiler observes at  
least ANSI C89 these days. If you're using one that doesn't, then you  
get what you deserve.

> I know it isn't a priority, because the compiler does do the "right
> thing". It just gets annoying to see literally 5k warning messages. It
> makes it a lot easier to see issues from the changes you make if  
> you have
> less warning to sort through from the start. It also makes you feel  
> more
> confident in the code itself. =)

Oh I agree. The first time I compiled OpenAFS, my nose scrunched up  
in disgust at the "dirtiness" of the code base and wonder if someone  
replaced the contents of /usr/include on my machine with folgers  
crystals. As Jim Rees says, it's pretty much been a lack of directed  
interest and/or manpower to get this very old code base ported to  
modern standards. Bits and pieces have been ported up here and there,  
but probably done in the course of fixing bugs or adding new  

I'm all for it. Just need to find the time if I were to help in the  
effort ;)


Dale Ghent
UNIX Systems Specialist
UMBC - Office of Information Technology
ECS 201 - x51705