[OpenAFS-devel] distribution for JAFS
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 15:39:37 +0200
> I see earlier
> comments from you regarding bison/yacc but I assume you got past that.
the problem was that i didn't execute 'make clean' - look at the "JAFS make error"-thread again
> You don't say which version of java or openafs that you used.
I use java 1.5 and openafs 1.4.4
> Since you apparently do care about jafs, I gotta ask: what do you hope to
> do with this? Do you have anything that works (or worked?). How do you
> intend to or hope to handle authentication? Keytabs, tokens, passwords,
> or what?
it's the first time i use JAFS. I want to write a GUI to set directory-permissions on AFS on Linux.
I saw the testAFS.java-file in the JAVA-directory in openafs and want to try it like that.
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