[OpenAFS-devel] getcwd() on Linux 2.6.18+OpenAFS 1.4.2
Chaskiel M Grundman
Thu, 15 Nov 2007 18:50:33 -0500
--On Thursday, November 15, 2007 01:27:29 PM -0700 Michael Loftis
<mloftis@wgops.com> wrote:
> Is there any plans at all to fix this bug? This breaks stuff for us even
> completely ignoring the use of any jails as relative symlinks will
> misbehave under Linux.
Making openafs conform completely to linux's "directories may not have
aliases" rule (which is effectively the problem here) will require that we
make each volume a linux mounted filesystem, which in turn would force us
to throw out a large portion of the existing cache manager, which assumes a
single pool of afs files (aka vnodes/vcaches). It will also require some
sort of user process to manage the mount() calls, since do_kern_mount is
GPLONLY. It might be easier to fork the in-kernel afs code and make it more
openafs-like than do all that.