[OpenAFS-devel] AFS and SSH once again

Atro Tossavainen atro.tossavainen+openafs@helsinki.fi
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 21:56:36 +0200 (EET)

> pam_afs doen't work properly with ssh because it tries to do all of its
> work in the auth stack instead of using the session stack to set up
> tokens.

RHEL4 systems using OpenSSH 3.9p1 have no such problem...?

Atro Tossavainen (Mr.)               / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish &     / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939  UNIX Dinosaur     / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
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