[OpenAFS-devel] Incompatible dump format 1.5.27 -> 1.4.3

Derrick Brashear shadow@gmail.com
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 13:16:08 -0500

Can we see the VolserLog?

On Nov 22, 2007 3:03 PM, Martin Ginkel <mginkel@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been playing around with 1.5.27 on MacOS as Client and Server.
> I moved some volumes from our 1.4.3 Linux server to the new machine
> without problems. But I was not able to move them back.
> The same thing happened with dumpfiles: It was only possible to recover
> to the new server, for the old ones there was a communication error and
> a dead target volume remained on the target server.
> Is there an incompatible change in the dump file format or dump/restore
> mechanism? In the VolserLog the failed move command reported the same
> problem with recovering the dump.
> Is this by intention or by bug?
> I finally ended up in a round of rsync / fs copyacl to get my
> home-volume back to the old stable server. (sigh)
>         Best regards
>         Martin
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