[OpenAFS-devel] [REVIEW] Can haz Solaris 10 8/07 compatibility patch
Dale Ghent
Thu, 27 Sep 2007 15:33:42 -0400
FWIW, I updated the patch to kill a benign compile warning (now the
code introduces no /additional/ warnings over what's normally spewed)
and fixed the potentially unfriendly act of the code taking a long
walk off a short struct when there are > 16 interfaces up on a system.
On Sep 26, 2007, at 7:35 PM, Dale Ghent wrote:
> Here's a candidate patch for those of you running any version of
> Solaris 10, or have hopes of running OpenAFS on Solaris 10 8/07
> (update 4);
> This patch removes use of the non-Public ILL structures by OpenAFS
> to gather network interface information in order to make RX packet
> size and server locality decisions. I replaced it with a Solaris
> taskq(9f) that executes a function which polls the network
> interfaces on the machine and populates a global array with
> collected information. Network information consumers then walk this
> array to gain the info they require. This polling function, by
> default, runs every 30 seconds.
> I made a design change from previous versions in that I dispensed
> with the while(1) loop for the polling mechanism. The
> osi_NetIfPoller function now chains itself.
> The interval between polls may be adjusted either by /etc/system or
> in real time by the use of mdb:
> Set afs interface poll interval to 15 seconds using /etc/system:
> set afs:afs_if_poll_interval=15
> Get current poll interval using mdb:
> # echo afs_if_poll_interval/D | mdb -k
> afs_if_poll_interval:
> afs_if_poll_interval: 30
> Set a new poll interval to 15 seconds (in hex):
> # echo "afs_if_poll_interval/W 0f" | mdb -kw
> afs_if_poll_interval: 0x1e = 0xf
> You may see if the poller is doing its job by watching the
> "executed" line of the afs_taskq kstat:
> # kstat -n afs_taskq
> module: unix instance: 0
> name: afs_taskq class: taskq
> crtime 141.142208577
> executed 126
> maxtasks 1
> nactive 2
> nalloc 0
> priority 60
> snaptime 2286.25972396
> tasks 126
> threads 2
> totaltime 28790720
> The following patch applies against OpenAFS 1.4.4. I urge that it
> be tested on any version of Solaris that you may have at your
> disposal, not just 10u4. Please discuss any issues on the -devel list.
> http://elektronkind.org/outbox/afs/openafs-s10u4-compat.patch
> /dale
> --
> Dale Ghent
> Specialist, Storage and UNIX Systems
> UMBC - Office of Information Technology
> ECS 201 - x51705
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Dale Ghent
Specialist, Storage and UNIX Systems
UMBC - Office of Information Technology
ECS 201 - x51705