[OpenAFS-devel] Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS.org web site design project
Christopher D. Clausen
Thu, 13 Nov 2008 15:14:35 -0600
Jeffrey Altman <jaltman@secure-endpoints.com> wrote:
> Back to the question of the web site. Perhaps an approach is to
> provide a variety of organizational scenarios and how AFS can be
> configured and managed to address them.
> We would need the community to come together to help write both the
> scenarios and the solutions.
For UIUC purposes, I've started writing some information here:
I will add info about UIUC's situation to that page for comparison
I welcome comments and corrections on the above page. (I'd prefer to at
least keep that data where it is as it shows that I am willing to use a
central campus service, the wiki itself, but I know that some might
prefer that on the OpenAFS wiki.)
There is currently no real central filesystem at UIUC and this
information has been sent to director-level people within the CIO's
office here.
The current problem isn't pushing OpenAFS technology, its fulfilling the
same current features of our "netfiles" WebDAV product from Xthyos:
http://www.cites.illinois.edu/netfiles/ The tickets that can be emailed
out for access to specific files is very useful for people here and its
the main feature that I could not trivially duplicate or offer an
alternative. Filedrawers http://www.filedrawers.org/ helps meet some of
the need, but there is no "secret url" type thing that I am aware of.
Perhaps that is a better feature to add at like the Co-Sign or WebAuth
layer though, instead of directly in the filesystem. A "secret url"
that provides some form of Kerberos tickets could be generally useful
for other things as well...
Or was the intent to get useful information onto a new openafs main