[OpenAFS-devel] PAGs/tokens/threads
Jeffrey Hutzelman
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 08:18:37 -0400
--On Friday, August 07, 2009 08:07:19 AM -0400 "Chas Williams (CONTRACTOR)"
<chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
> perhaps not the best choice. adding another ioctl on top of pioctl
> is likely a better choice. ideally i would say add an argument to
> setpag() to indicate the scope of this ag (authentication group,
> since it might be process associated anymore).
AFSCALL_PAG does not take any arguments. Adding an argument would be a
backward-incompatible change likely to create havoc on the same scale as
when ktc_SetToken/VIOCSETTOK got the parent flag back in AFS 3.3a, which I
suspect you probably remember (for the benefit of those who haven't been at
this as long as Chas or I -- it was painful).
This operation probably requires a new pioctl.
> backwards compat for older programs (and users) that might look at
> your group list to determine if you have a pag (for whatever reason).
> obviously this will be somewhat confusing to a thread process.
> this feature should go away since it exposes the pag value.
That's not why I'd make it go away. The pag value is not a secret.
-- Jeff