[OpenAFS-devel] warnings fix
Marcus Watts
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 03:37:05 -0400
Derrick had replied:
> > If it would help, I'm willing to write a perl script that
> > would do this. ( Actually, I'm probably stuck writing this
> > even if nobody else does value it. )
> if you write the perl script i volunteer to run and rebase until we
> get it pushed.
Here's a first pass at this:
I don't know yet if this actually produces something that builds,
but this should be close:
perl fix-rst -Rirst src/[a-zJ]*
should find all files under src/[a-zJ]* and edit in-place,
remove trailing whitespace,
remove 'register' in appropriate places in .h .c (omit -r to leave register),
and compress spaces to tabs (omit -t to leave tabs unchanged).
Tabs are controversial. I'm not quite sure why - people spent 30 years
doing Unix/C on a variety of machines with tabs, with no problems,
not to mention an even larger world of dec machines and such.
Then suddenly in the last 10 years, somewhere between microsoft,
ibm pc console I/O, java, GUIs, IDEs, and gnu readline, tabs
became evil. In any event, openafs is clearly systems software.
Tabs should not be a problem.