[AFS3-std] Re: [OpenAFS-devel] convergence of RxOSD, Extended
Call Backs, Byte Range Locking, etc.
Derrick Brashear
Fri, 24 Jul 2009 08:46:22 -0400
> The legacy interface for non rxosd prepared clients, of course, would
> have to honor this table as well. But here things are easier because
> everything happens within a single rpc (FetchData or StoreData).
> An open question is how the fileserver should handle missing
> End-of-I/O-rpcs. Therefore the timestamp field. The FiveMinuteCheckLWP
> could look for out-timed transactions....
It seems like you could have a lot build up in that time, and there's
probably a smarter way to reap them, but perhaps for the number (and
quantity of resources) we're talking about, it's just not worth that