[OpenAFS-devel] Final Mac OS Steps
Barry Fawthrop
Mon, 30 Mar 2009 21:16:59 -0400
Once again you are right
I played around changing the LWP_SP value in process.c I got further when set to 9
Now pr_Initialize completes
and it stops in SNameToId at the
code = ubik_PR_NameToID(pruclient, 0, &lnames, &lids);
rxi_ReadPacket calls
nbytes = rxi_recvmsg(socket, &msg, 0);
which stops on the
return recvmsg(socket, msg_p, flags);
socket = 6
msg_p = 0x79be80 namelen = 16
flags = 0
Previous frame inner to this frame (gdb could not unwind past this frame)
Previous frame inner to this frame (gdb could not unwind past this frame)
Is there some place I can learn more about LWP and or especially
AFSs usage of LWP?
The comments give some insight but not enough to grasp and understand what is going on ..
Thanks again
Derrick Brashear wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Barry Fawthrop <barry@isscp.com> wrote:
>> Yes Derrick, you are quite right.
>> This does lead me to two questions
>> (1) What is the need for the kernel module portion and what are it's
>> functions
>> could this be managed some other way, perhaps without a kernel module?
> it's to make files available as files. you could do it in an application but
> you'd need to do it in every application which you wanted to have AFS
> access. not much fun there.
>> (I'm no expert in these things, but I do have a good grasp of computing
>> and always willing to learn more)
>> (2) I'm finding that pr_Initialize fails when it get to
>> process.c savecontext
> LWP_SP et al are probably wrong for your hardware.