[OpenAFS-devel] Re: OpenAFS on Solaris 10 x64 - afs module uses wrong 64bit modules path

Robert Milkowski milek@task.gda.pl
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 22:22:38 +0100

On 02/08/2010 20:08, Andrew Deason wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Aug 2010 21:24:49 +0100
> Robert Milkowski<milek@task.gda.pl>  wrote:
>> bash-3.00# modload /kernel/fs/amd64/afs
>> can't load module: Operation not applicable
>> bash-3.00# tail -1 /var/adm/messages
>> Aug  1 20:08:16 unknown afs: [ID 718928 kern.notice] misc/nfssrv module
>> must be loaded before loading afs with nfs-xlator
> Thanks for the report; you're right, and we should be looking for
> misc/amd64/nfssrv. This has been corrected in gerrit 2497 and will be in
> future openafs releases.
> If you want, the patch we went with is here:
> <http://git.openafs.org/?p=openafs.git;a=commit;h=39643598a216c2e892cd94ccb441180a4c4f949e>,
> but if you're okay with what you're doing, you should be fine.

Thank you. That was quick! :)

> And I'm just wondering, are you actually using the AFS/NFS translator?
> If you load the libafs64.nonfs.o version of the module, you don't need
> to do any of this (but you can't use the translator). Also, if you load
> the module /kernel/misc/nfssrv (instead of /kernel/misc/amd64/nfssrv),
> it should also have worked.
I wanted to tried both version.
I'm not using NFS translator functionality.

Robert Milkowski