[OpenAFS-devel] Re: on sockets and devices in AFS

Steve Simmons scs@umich.edu
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 18:07:45 -0400

The more I think about this, the strong I come down on the side of it =
should all be local. Some of this is 'least surprise' stuff, some of it =
is system integrity, some of it is new security issues.

When I attach a USB device or hard drive, I expect it to be local. =
Sharing of local devices is almost never a default. The fact that =
someone attaches their sensitive data to an AFS device name shouldn't =
mean their data is suddenly shared. Least surprise applies, and =

What do acls mean at that point? If I mount something on =
/afs/.../scs/dev/hda3 and the acls for my account say it's publicly =
readable, can anyone in afsland mount and read my device? And lest =
someone asks "why would you do that", well, somebody will will come up =
with what looks like a perfectly good reason. If they can do it, =
somebody will do it. Consider the spammers who are happily making use of =
AFS storage that people permitted 'fs seta . anyser all' as a case in =

How about when sombody has an esata drive. He wants it to be visible =
everywhere so he does 'mknod b 8 32 /afs/.../dev-mydrive'. It works just =
fine on his linux desktop where he's already got a /dev/sda and =
/dev/sdb, but pretty odd stuff will happen when he tries it on a machine =
that already has a /dev/sdc at minor node 32. And of course, he owns =
that file, so he should be able to read from it and write to it . . . =
even when it happens to be somebody else's disk.

No, for physical devices I think both 'least surprise' and 'unintended =
consequences' should mean the attached device is only visible on the =
host it's physically attached to.

Named sockets, named pipes, fifos, etc, are another interesting point. =
None of those are normally associated with a network service unless one =
takes extra steps to do so. Having those items be global because they =
happen to be in AFS . . . surprise! And let's again consider what ACLs =

I could go on, and in fact deleted a few paragraphs before sending. In =
summary, I don't think turning a global file space into a global service =
space should be done without a lot more thought and buyin from the the =
developers, the admins, and the end users.

For the moment, let's make devices/fifo/sockets that appear in AFS only =
be methods for naming local services and devices, not shared ones. If we =
want a global namespace to represent services, let's consider carefully =
if a filesystem is even the right way to do it.
