[OpenAFS-devel] release-team meeting minutes 2013-11-20

Ken Hornstein kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Thu, 21 Nov 2013 13:28:50 -0500

>=== OS X Mavericks ===
>Derrick reports that the fix for the symlink panic is ready but not yet
>in gerrit, and that Ken H. has an installer. [update: gerrit change is

An update on that (I know that Derrick knows all of this, but I wanted
to explain this to the wider community).

A few other patches are necessary to make Mavericks compile; those are
referenced in my note on port-darwin.  Those are all the work of Matt
Haught.  I have not pushed those to Gerrit, but I can do so if no one
else is going to.

Also, Matt Haught was able to dig up an older version of the XCode tools
that are still available for download that still includes PackageMaker,
that's also necessary to make a Mavericks installer.

This doesn't solve the medium-term problem that a new installer will
need to be created at some point using the new installer stuff and a
code signing certificate will be required ... but hey, one problem
at a time :-)
