[OpenAFS-devel] gerrit not triggering buildbot runs

Jason Edgecombe jason@rampaginggeek.com
Tue, 04 Aug 2015 21:49:34 -0400

On 08/04/2015 09:20 PM, Jason Edgecombe wrote:
> On 08/04/2015 04:27 AM, Stephan Wiesand wrote:
>> It seems buildbot is not getting triggered by gerrit any more since 
>> yesterday. Can anyone see what's wrong?
>> - Stephan
> I fixed some ssh keys ans a script that wasn't handling unicode. The 
> builds have been triggered, but the 'git update' step seems to be 
> failing to fetch the git references from gerrit.
> Example log file:
> http://buildbot.openafs.org:8010/builders/solaris11_x86-builder/builds/694/steps/git/logs/stdio 

After further digging, I think that my scripts may be to blame. I have 
scripts in place to resubmit changes that were missed because of network 
hiccup. It looks like resubmit scripts aren't sending the proper 
properties to allow buildbot to fetch the proper git references. I've 
disabled the 'resubmit' feature until I can investigate further. In the 
interim, gerrit changes should still be built, but some changes may be 
missed if there is a network outage.
