[OpenAFS-devel] Openafs 1.6.10 does not build on Fedora 21

Stephan Wiesand stephan.wiesand@desy.de
Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:26:50 +0100

> On 19 Jan 2015, at 16:49, Todd Lewis <Todd_Lewis@unc.edu> wrote:
> Built cleanly from a fresh git clone on Fedora's 3.17.8-200.fc20.i686. =
> However, it also built a new "afspag.ko" kernel module which I've not =
seen before. There's no mention of it in the accompanying afs.rc file. =
Is this required, or just nice to have?

Seems to be part of the AFS/NFS translator. Did you enable that?

-- Stephan

> --
> Todd
> On 01/19/2015 01:49 AM, Dave Botsch wrote:
>> Ok. I'll give one of those branches a try, then.
>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 12:36:01AM -0500, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>>> On 1/19/2015 12:28 AM, Dave Botsch wrote:
>>>> perhaps this is known and I should be trying a pre of 1.6.11 =
>>> OpenAFS 1.6.10 supports Linux kernels up to 3.16.   You are trying =
>>> build on Linux kernel 3.17 which is not supported.
>>> Support for Linux kernels up to 3.19 RCs have been committed to the
>>> master branch.
>>> I believe that the openafs-stable-1_6_x branch has support through =
>>> 3.18.
>>> Jeffrey Altman