[OpenAFS] Problem during implementing AFS
Jatin Nansi
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 10:49:35 -0500 (EST)
the machines name is node1
DNS is not setup, but every host entry is there in /etc/hosts
localhost is there in /etc/hosts.
dns is there for the site, but there are no entries for node1.
------Original Message------
From: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
To: Jatin Nansi <linuxguru@india.com>
Sent: December 8, 2000 3:09:50 PM GMT
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS] Problem during implementing AFS
Is your machine named node1?
Do you have DNS setup?
Do you have 'localhost' setup in DNS?
Jatin Nansi <linuxguru@india.com> writes:
> hi
> i have been trying to implement the Open AFS file server on a
> RedHat Linux 7.0 kernel version 2.2.16-22 on a PIII, with 256 MB RAM as a
> trial machine.
> i have downloaded the rpms from the openafs site for the same.
> i am using the procedure as described in the QkBegin guide
> that is there in the ibm documentation tarball.
> the problem is as follows:
> Altough the kernel module complains, it does load properly.
> the bosserver also starts properly, on the command:
> #bosserver -noauth &
> the 'bos setcellname ' command also works fine, and i am also able to add
> the pc to the cell. bos listhosts confirms this also.
> the next step as per the guide should be for starting the database server:
> the command: bos create node1 kaserver simple \
> /usr/afs/bin/kaserver -cell timesgroup.com -noauth
> this creates the following entry in /usr/afs/local/BosConfig:
> ------------------
> restarttime 11 0 4 0 0
> checkbintime 3 0 5 0 0
> bnode simple kaserver 1
> parm /usr/afs/bin/kaserver
> end
> --------------------
> however there is no kaserver process running when checked with
> ps xa
> similarly, the commands for buserver, ptserver, and vlserver do make
> into BosConfig, but no processes start.
> then i tried killall bosserver, which killed the boserver process.
> when i start it again with bosserver -noauth&, i get the following error:
> /usr/afs/bin/buserver: problems with host name Ubik init failed
> ........... repeated several times over for all other servers also.
> the contents of files in /usr/afs/logs:
> AuthLog--
> /usr/afs/bin/kaserver: problems with host name Ubik init failed
> ll database.
> Using level crypt for Ubik connections.
> ubik: primary address does not exist
> BackupLog--
> u: problem with host name
> Ubik init failed
> Boslog--
> Server directory access is okay
> BNODE 'kaserver' repeatedly failed to start, perhaps missing executable.
> ........similarly for all others
> -----------
> Please tell me where am i going wrong in this, as i am following the ibm
> guide to the letter.
> thank you
> Jatin
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL N1NWH
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