[OpenAFS] linux 2.4.2
David Brumley
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 13:33:21 -0700
> On Wednesday, April 18 2001, David Brumley said:
> > has anyone got afs to successfully run on linux 2.4.2 (redhat 7.1)
> > kernel? I got it to compile without problems, but after loading any
> > access to afs just makes the machine spin. During shutdown, it can't
> > release the lock, so it just hangs.
> There are a few changes in the ac kernels (and in the Red Hat 2.4.2-2)
> which make changes which break OpenAFS since openafs includes a
> duplicate of the inode struct. Patches to get it working are in my
> current package (which does differ somewhat from the stock packages due
> to some of the stuff related to the environment here at NCSU) at
> ftp://kickstart.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/realmkit/realmkit-7.1/SRPMS/RealmKit/openafs*.
> I do have a report from someone that it doesn't work on SMP though, but
> I haven't had a chance to look into that yet.
This didn't compile out of the box. Looks like for some reasons
CFLAGS isn't included int eh compile line for volstub.c Hacking in
-I/usr/src/BUILD/openafs/blah/blah/include seems to fix it (and it
David Brumley - Stanford Computer Security - dbrumley at Stanford.EDU
Phone: +1-650-723-2445 WWW: http://www.stanford.edu/~dbrumley
Fax: +1-650-725-9121 PGP: finger dbrumley-pgp at sunset.Stanford.EDU
Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.